St. Mark’s Friends
We are a friendly group of parents who volunteer some of our time to raise money for the school. This money is used to benefit and support the children at the school.
Over the years we have made a great sum of money, we have sold food at the summer and winter fayres, had cake sales and much more. We also have regular discos, events and activities at the school. The money we have raised has been spent on equipment and resources that make our children’s learning experiences so much more fulfilling and exciting.
All parents and carers are welcome to be part of the group. It is an opportunity to make new friends, learn new things, use existing skills, bring new ideas, get to know the school and have some fun at the same time.
If you are interested please contact us through the school office and leave a message. If you see us around school, please come and speak to us.
We have made a huge contribution to the development of the school playground and the outside learning area. Each year as a group we purchase personalised autograph books for our Year 6 leavers that are presented to them at the end of term.
Our aim is not only to raise funds, but to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially.

Christmas Fair