Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
Welcome to our EYFS page.
At St Mark’s we aim to support all children in developing key life skills, building a firm basis for future learning from individual starting points. We want children to become independent, creative, respectful, confident, curious learners in an environment where they feel safe and secure, making learning fun and encouraging a love to learn, whilst Living, Learning and Loving as God’s Children.
By the end of the Reception year, our intent is to ensure that all children make at least good progress from their starting points and are equipped with the skills and knowledge to have a smooth transition into Year 1.
Why is EYFS Important?
Early Years is so important in giving children the foundations they need for their future. It is a time where children make and establish important relationships that will set them off on their educational journey.
Early Years is also the time when key communication and language skills are developed. As well as early literacy and maths skills and the physical and social skills they are going to need throughout their learning journey and life.
In the EYFS children develop core skills through their interactions with others and their environment. Play in the Early Years is vital in developing these skills and encouraging an enquiring mind and a love of learning.
What is the EYFS?
The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum consists of seven main areas of learning. The Prime areas are Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development and Communication and Language. The Specific areas are Mathematics, Literacy, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. Each area of learning is made up of sub areas of learning which are as follows;
Prime areas
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
– Self Regulation
– Managing Self
– Building relationships - Physical Development
– Gross Motor Skills
– Fine Motor Skills - Communication and Language
– Listening, Attention and Understanding
– Speaking
Specific Areas
- Literacy
– Comprehension
– Reading
– Writing - Mathematics
– Numbers
– Numerical patterns - Understanding the World
– Past and Present
– People, Culture and Communities
– The Natural World - Expressive Arts and Design
– Creating with materials
– Being imaginative and Expressive
Together, these areas of learning make up the skills, knowledge and experiences appropriate for children as they grow, learn and develop. At St Mark’s we strive to ensure that each child’s learning and development occur as an outcome of their individual interests and abilities so our planned learning and opportunities reflects this.
An EYFS learning journey will be completed for each child. Each child will be assessed in relation to the Early Leaning Goal (ELG) descriptors. Assessments will be based on observation of daily activities, incidental play-based learning and events, alongside teacher led activities. For each ELG, the EYFS Team must judge whether a child is meeting the level of development expected at the end of the Reception Year.
What Does the EYFS Look Like at St. Mark’s?
In Reception at St Mark’s we learn through play. Play is an essential component of children’s lives. Through play children learn about themselves, their environment and the world around them. Play helps to develop important skills such as problem solving and turn taking. In addition to this, adults provide well planned activities, including adult led sessions, that are exciting and engaging and that fully take into account the needs and abilities of the children. Reception children have access to a range of different activities that promote and develop basic skills.
In our classroom you will find a happy learning environment where all children are encouraged to be as independent as possible; through making choices about their learning, managing their own personal hygiene and self-care and taking responsibility for looking after equipment and resources. In the classroom you will find children who are engaged and excited about their learning and this can be evidenced through the classroom displays.
Our Catholic Faith is very important to us and we encourage the children to join in and say our prayers together. We ensure children are aware of the importance of prayer and reflection. Children in Reception will take part in Religious Education each week – looking at a range of topics, including the Creation Story. Reception will take part in some whole school worship including assemblies and masses.
In the Early Years Foundation Stage, we aim to build positive relationships with parents and to keep them informed of their child’s learning. We have workshops for parents where we demonstrate and provide the opportunity for parents to come into school learn with their children. Parents are encouraged to ask questions and get involved with their children’s targets through daily reading, homework activities, pupil planners and parent target consultations.
Find out more about the EYFS: