St Mark's Catholic Primary School
St Mark's Catholic Primary School

Art and Design

Subject Intent

What is our intent for all children to achieve in this subject?

As a school, we believe that Art and Design are vital parts of children’s education. It provides them with opportunities to develop ways to share and express their individual creativity, whilst learning about and making links to different types of art in our society. Art and Design contribute to children’s personal development in creativity, independence, judgement, and self-reflection. Moreover, it enables pupils to develop a natural sense of wonder and curiosity about the world around them. Pupils will develop an awareness of how art has shaped out history and culture. As pupils’ skills progress, they will be able to think critically and develop a deeper understanding of Art and Design.

More Information

What Art and Design looks like in action at St. Mark’s…

  • Wide range of tools.
  • Variety of artists with cross curriculum links to history and other cultures.
  • Fun and engaging topics.
  • Build on previous skills.
  • Termly focus on art style and artist.

What our children say…

“I enjoy art because we get to look at the work of a range of artists. I enjoyed learning about Chris Ofili because his work is thought provoking.” – Year 6

“I love art because it helps me to relax. Drawing is my favourite style of art – I loved looking at the work of Georges Seurat.” – Year 4

“I like art lessons because I want to be an artist when I grow up.” – Year 2

“Art is fun because we get to express our emotions and use our imagination.” – Year 5

“I like looking at different styles of art. I also enjoy using a range of techniques such as colour for emotion.” – Year 6

“I enjoyed looking at the work of David Hockney and how he used perspective.” – Year 5

“I like art because we get to use paint and different sketching pencils.” – Year 2
