Laudato Si Leaders worked alongside other children from across schools in Birmingham and Solihull today to plant tree hedges at St. Columban’s centre in Solihull. Look out for more work we are doing with St Columban’s to care for our common home. Back to Events...
On 6th February, Jo and Kevin from Fr. Hudson’s led an assembly to launch the Good Shepherd Appeal. They told the children about the work of Fr Hudson’s and where the money raised by the Good Shepherd Appeal will be going. The Mini Vinnies have been...
At St. Mark’s we celebrate the feast of St John Bosco (who our MAC is named after). Children from our mission teams went to St Mary’s in Wednesbury to celebrate a special feast day Mass with our other MAC schools. Meanwhile, at school, all classes planned...
Today staff enjoyed a beautiful start to the day with a ‘Fishers of Men’ guided meditation in our Rainbow Room. The perfect space for prayer and reflection and nice to pray in a new environment for our staff prayers. Back to Events...
On Sunday 21st January, we celebrated this half term’s family Mass at Holy Name Church. Our children led the Mass beautifully by reading, sharing their liturgy, singing a song linked to the Gospel and carrying the offertory. It was a wonderful Mass and lovely to...
On Monday 4th December, our Catholic Life Leaders and Guardian Angels organised a Christmas dinner for our grandparents and the elderly in our community. It was a brilliant evening, where staff donated food and a delicious meal was cooked by Mrs B and the kitchen...
In the days leading up to Remembrance Day, our Mini Vinnies sold poppies and other items to raise money for The Royal British Legion. Back to Events...
On Thursday 9th November, St. Mark’s celebrated a Mass like no other! We celebrated All Souls’ Day with a traditional Mass but incorporated the Mexican tradition of ‘Day of the Dead’. All children were invited to make memory boxes,...
During October, the month of the Rosary, our Rosary Mission Team planned and put together prayer bags for each class. All children took it in turns to take the prayer bag home and share it with their families. It has been great to hear how lots of our families have...
On Tuesday 17th October, God’s Rise Theatre Company came into school and taught the children about Stewardship and caring for God’s creation. The children enjoyed learning lots of songs and actions. The day ended in a performance from the company and...