St Mark's Catholic Primary School
St Mark's Catholic Primary School
Staff at St. Mark’s have recently been participating in ‘Let’s Feed Brum’, a charity that helps feed and support homeless people living on the streets of Birmingham. When our Guardian Angels heard about this, they asked if they could help by making sandwiches. Our Guardian Angels met in the afternoon and created a range of sandwiches and snacks for the staff to share that evening. They wrote words of encouragement and prayers to go in with the sandwiches.

“I made a cheese sandwich for someone who has no food. It is like when Jesus helped people who had no food.” Y2 child

“It feels like we are making a difference, I wish we could go with the teachers to see the people we are helping too. I hope they like the sandwiches. I wrote a message to let them know we are praying for them to never be hungry.” Y5 child.